Is Solar the Right Option For You?
Solar panel raised up on a roof to collect the sun’s energy.
Is solar the right option for you? I know solar is popular now and lot of people want to either save money on electrical costs or energy, or just want to jump on the band wagon of buying solar because others are. I am here to tell you if you REALLY need it or not!
What is solar and how could it help you?
Solar is a way to collect the sun’s energy through a series of panels, cords, and especially batteries. We need batteries for our everyday use of electricity living in a RV. Turn on a switch, you need electricity. Use the coffee pot, you need electricity. Watch tv, you need electricity.
We researched solar panels and batteries to find out if it was a good match for us. Since we boondock some of the time, and hopefully more in the future, it made sense for us to invest into solar. And invest you will do, as it is not cheap.
Have you ever made bread before? What are the key ingredients? Flour and eggs. Well, like bread, solar has key ingredients: batteries and solar panels. Batteries are the key ingredient for everyday life in a RV. Just think, if you did not have electricity in your dwelling, like a house, it would be a challenge to do your everyday things like, using a microwave, doing laundry, using a/c or heat. Same as in a RV. We need electricity, however, we do not have a local electric company come over and turn on a switch for the electricity to work. This is where batteries come in.
Batteries are very effective when you boondock for your everyday needs. There are 2 different types we will talk about today. Golf cart batteries range from 6 volt to 12 volt and are acid or water base. They are good for basic needs, relatively inexpensive, and easily replaceable. Golf cart batteries wear down quickly as our usage can be demanding at times. I learned that the use of a microwave takes 1500 watts, which is a lot for a battery! Also, keeping track is key for successful use of these type of batteries. Once you are at 100%, which means fully charged, it will dwindle down and you will have to charge it with your generator at 50%. Yes, having a generator when you fulltime RV is very helpful. These type of batteries will need to be replaced anywhere from 1-3 years.
You have a choice for simple, cheap golf cart batteries, or something better, but you will pay for it. May I introduce lithium batteries? This is what we have and love them! They hold a charge better than acid batteries and last longer than the simple batteries, at least 10 years. The charge so much longer than acid batteries, which is nice so we do not have to worry about constantly charging. Right below I explain how batteries get charged, naturally.
How does the solar process start?
Solar panels are also an important ingredient for the solar process. These panels collect the sun’s energy and brings it to the batteries, to keep them charged, through a series of cords and magic (just checking to see if you are really reading) so that you could do what you want with electricity in your RV. When it is cloudy out, it can be tricky to collect the sun’s energy, maybe a little slower as that cloud cover might hamper things, but can be doable. You might have to use your generator to help charge your batteries if needed.
It is a wonderful feeling to be able to use solar when not hooked up at a RV park. Just think, you can make that fresh cup of coffee in the morning without waiting for electricity to come from your generator!
Is solar for you?
If you boondock, solar would be an ideal option as it would greatly help with your electrical needs. But if you camp at RV parks with hookups, then solar will not be an option for you. Why bother investing in so much money into solar if you can hookup your RV and enjoy the electricity at the park?
Or if you plan to boondock and camp at RV parks, then you might want to consider solar. Generators are great at charging your RV for electrical needs, but sometimes they are noisy and require gas and even minor repairs. But when it comes to solar, it is clean energy, harnessed from our very own sun.
What is the investment? Well, it depends on how much solar you want or need. For us, we have 3 lithium batteries, and 4 solar panels. Lithium batteries can cost up to $1000 or more per battery. YES, PER BATTERY! The panels were cheaper, which helped our budget.
Where to start?
We went to a solar installation store, told them our needs and they gave us recommendations. But ultimately, the choice is yours. I know there are plenty of YouTube videos about how to install solar, so if you are handy, you can look into that and save some money from labor costs. But if you are like us, somewhat handy, but not with electrical, then I would suggest going to a reputable place for installation. Remember, this is an investment, and can last up to 10 years.
Here are a couple places I would recommend if you are in the Quartzsite, Arizona area:
Please click on the links and find out more if solar is the right option for you!