Creating Perfection?
I am a perfectionist, well somewhat of a perfectionist. I like things done right the first time, if possible. I hate it when I mess up and have to start again, although it could be a creative process…
How many here love to create but somehow mess up often, like me? Or get stuck with what to create? Join me as I share a short but sweet story of creating something beautiful with little skills to do it!

A Toss With A Kayak!
I remember the kayak was over us, just above our heads, wondering how I got in the water, arms raised up, holding on, trying to figure out how to get out of the situation we were in as I looked at my husband with a bit of fear. Join us as we adventure into a kayak!!

Groceries Stores: Self Checkout Vs Cashiers
I see more and more today self checkout lines. Not only in grocery stores, even other department stores. I was in Kohl’s recently…
What do you prefer: self checkout or a cashier?

How Much Would YOU Spend Doing Laundry?
Ah, yes, one of the joys in life is a chore you do often whether you like to or not: laundry. You might be one of the lucky ones that only does laundry once or twice a month or like me, each week. One of the annoying things about fulltime rving…Find out what happened with this amusing story!

A Love/Hate Affair With Chicken Pot Pie
I can honestly say I loathed chicken pot pie when I was a child. My mother used to buy the ones that were already made, the small little ones that would somewhat fill you up…
Enjoy a funny story from my youth about chicken pot pies and what my thoughts are today! Plus get a free recipe that will whet your appetite!

My First Day As A RV Full-Timer…
I can remember that day like it was just yesterday, a very different type of day, a day of sadness and joy. We knew the time was coming and finally was here, so it was time to act upon it: pick up the RV and start driving to our first destination and start living in it as fulltime rvers. But along the way, I felt incredible sadness…Why would I feel sad on the first day of our incredible adventure???

No Brakes???
Whenever I turn on my vehicle, I always get some tunes going, something with bass, well sometimes a lot of bass to get me in the mood to drive in busy traffic. But this time I did not. I turned on my vehicle and was in a hurry to leave and get to my next destination, so forget the tunes. I pressed on the brake pedal as I put the vehicle in reverse and noticed a “whish” sound, like air being pressed on my brake.

Life Happens!
Y’all are probably wondering why I am showing my feet and a little leg as I am introducing myself while paddleboarding in a lake of water, surrounded by the absolutely amazing Rockies. While I love to paddleboard, mostly in calm water, sitting or kneeling down as my balance stinks for standing up on a board, there is a purpose for this new page on my site and even my life.