Groceries Stores: Self Checkout Vs Cashiers

I see more and more today self checkout lines. Not only in grocery stores, even department stores. I was in Kohl’s recently and noticed they have a self checkout line. I zoomed over to it quickly and made my purchases with the ease of a scanning wand, put them in a bag and off I went. But was it that simple and easy?

I have used many cashiers and I appreciate how they process all the grocery items without batting an eye. I do not bag my own groceries or have to put things away if I change my mind. Simple and easy, maybe, but I do have a few thoughts of self checkouts vs cashiers:

Self checkouts:

  • You put your groceries in bags in any order you want. You are not quickly throwing it on the conveyor belt if you have a fast cashier and trying to give him/her the items before they are finished.

  • Can be fast and easy.

  • If you have any problems there are customer service people ready to help you.

  • Pay for your items just like at a cashier station.

  • Might be done sooner then going to a cashier.


  • Someone else is scanning your own items.

  • You are putting your items on the conveyor belt, just like self checkout.

  • Someone else is bagging your groceries.

  • Cashiers solve their own problems or ask someone in management if need be.

  • Could be done sooner if there are plenty of cashiers out or the store is not busy.

  • Can chat with the cashier, maybe get to know them better.

Before we move on, I have another thought: customer service. The more I see self checkout lines the less I see of customer service. But honestly, a lot of stores I visit do not even have customer service. People just do not say “hello” anymore. If you visit a store that you are greeted warmly, you are fortunate. Stay in that store and buy something!

Personally, I like self checkouts. It is simple and easy, and I do not mind putting bagging my own groceries. One time a cashier put a 1 pound of ground beef in one bag and that was it. Surely there was more room to bag other items, and it did not leak! There seems to be not too many cashiers at the registers, but a lot of self checkouts. I think people want to get their stuff quickly without waiting behind a family with crying kids or with a boat load of groceries. Christmas time is terrible as there are WAY too many people in the stores, buying this, buying that and wearing down the poor cashiers, but there are more cashiers available during the holidays.

So, really it is a preference, a choice that you can make. Like I said I like self checkouts better. But for you, which do you prefer: self checkout or cashiers?


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