Lori Shoaf Lori Shoaf

If Your Work Camping Job Is Not What You Thought

I was so excited to go to a work camping job that had many scenic opportunities, a safe and FREE place to stay, good money to earn, get away from the heat and experience a little cooler conditions in the summer, and learn a new skill. We were told what hours we would work, days off and site accommodations. My husband and I were both excited and agreed if this worked out we might come up to the same place each year until we do not have to work camp. Wellll……

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Lori Shoaf Lori Shoaf

Work Camping: Could You Survive on Camping Wages Alone?

I have seen so many questions on social media, asking if a person or a couple or even a family could survive on work camping wages only. You could make some sweet moola with work camping, plus have the benefits of sight seeing amazing places and meeting new people you would have never met otherwise. Work camping is not always play, but definitely some work involved. Find out what work camping is and if it is for you!

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Lori Shoaf Lori Shoaf

The “Dark Side” of Work Camping

She gave me the cold shoulder, and I in turn did the same thing. This is what us females are great at, are we not? It hurt me to do this, but she was not kind to me since we started a work camping gig.

Find out the real truth about work camping and some tips to keep you going!

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Lori Shoaf Lori Shoaf

Should You Work Camp and Why?

Why should I work camp when I can take my time and explore this great country without being bound by a working schedule, I asked myself when we took the plunge. Work camping was a thought in the back of my head, something distant, without really wanting to do it. After all, my husband was retiring and it was time to ease away from demanding work schedules and grown up kids, and plan the rest of our lives together with nothing but the best of the best in destinations to visit and mark it off on our check list.

Or so I thought.

Find out the tips to help find your first work camping job!

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Lori Shoaf Lori Shoaf

Is Work Camping Worth the Work?

Work camping has been something we flipped flopped through in our minds throughout the year. It was like, “should we?” or “should we not?” But in the end…Find out what work camping is all about, the truth of what work camping really is, and if we made the decision to do this type of work!

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