Top 5 Tips to Make Money and RV Travel

Traveling has become so popular, thanks in part to social media and how much travel is exposed to the world. It does not matter what age you are or what kind of background you have to travel and see the world. But how does a person travel and not live on retirement yet?

There is a way, and there will be work involved, so it is not entirely impossible. I have done some research to help you make a smart decision to whether you want to travel now or wait till retirement.

  1. Work Camping: This is what we do to help supplement our retirement. With the cost of living rising, this has been most helpful for us. There are pros and cons to this type of life, and here is a link to a work camping blog I did. You can make some decent money, such as an hourly wage and a free site. Plus, and I think this is the best part, you get to travel around the area and see amazing stuff! You get to pick the campground to work at and apply for that campground. Make sure you have alternatives, though, in case the jobs are filled up, as they can fill quickly. Lots of choices out there! Here is a link for work camping opportunities throughout the states and even into Canada. If you like exploring national or state parks, here is a link for those opportunities.

  2. Bring your work with you: If you have a job, maybe you can ask your employer if you can remote work as you travel. You might have to make it enticing to your employer, reason with him/her that you will be dedicated to the company and get the work done, even if your are in amazing destinations. It will be hard not to be tempted to sneak outside and go somewhere. Also, internet will be important for remote work and finding a place that has great signal is a little tricky, and you might want to check with your cell phone provider for a map with locations of cell towers. Trust me, internet can be a challenge, but is doable if you do your homework.

  3. Start your own business: If you have entrepreneurial skills, savvy with talking to others, or just have a desire to be your own boss, why don’t you start your own business on the road? For example, a dog walker or dog caretaker. There are always plenty of dogs at campgrounds and they certainly have needs. Sometimes the owners have to work outside of camp or want to take a day of pleasure away from the campground, but cannot bring Fido. This is where you could offer your savvy services by helping out with dogs. Dogs not your style? How about cutting hair at someone’s trailer? Saves a person a drive into town and spending way too much money on a salon. Other things like doing someone’s laundry, housekeeping, babysitting is to name a few. Would you rather do sales? Find something you believe in and is trustworthy, and start selling!

  4. RV tech or mechanic: OMgosh, this is such a need for us campers! Campers break as they are not the most strongest things built and trying to make an appointment at a dealership is a total nightmare. Long wait times, even days, weeks or months until your rig is fixed! If you live in your rig fulltime, this is definitely a no-go. Enter yourself and your valuable services to our rigs. You can charge your own salary rate, or a flat rate, but please be reasonable. It can be expensive to fix our rigs, but we truly value your services and would love to recommend you to others. There are schools to teach you how to become handy and helpful to others. Here is a link to a rv tech school you might be interested in researching. And one more link for another rv tech school.

  5. Work in town: If you are near a town or city with businesses, then check out the job offerings. You never know, you might end up finding something delightful to dabble in or just learning a new skill to add to your resume.

This is a short list of things you can do to afford RV travel. I would love to hear what you are doing or what you will do to help fun those amazing destinations you are about to see!

Share with us what you are going to do today to step into your amazing future!


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