Why We Chose to Workcamp
Big Horns, Wyoming.
Why did we choose to work camp, even though my husband is retired? Why not travel around the country and see sights that we could not see when we lived in our sticks and bricks, and enjoy the benefits of retirement, with income coming in monthly? That is a good question that deserves a well thought out answer. But it is an answer that we can only do, maybe not you or others.
Work camping was not on our agenda, our plans did not include “working,” but simply enjoying. It was a thought in the back of our heads, but we REALLY wanted to travel, to enjoy our “golden” years, even though I am not there yet, but REALLY, REALLY not have to answer to no one. Do you know what that is like? The freedom of choosing to go where you want, without any obligations to a title, a position, a set time of hours devoted to someone else, but having FREEDOM was what you or me desire, crave, need.
But things changed for us once we got on the road. We started in early 2021, and boy, did things change! Gas shot up (especially diesel), groceries gradually increased and we realized the budget we created before we left would not be the same going forward. It was a HUGE disappointment!!!! So what to do? Either go back to our home residence (live in the trailer as our home was sold) and find work to help with our budget or reduce our expenses.
At a bird preserve near Harrison, Nebraska.
What did we end up doing?
We did go back to work, to increase our income, to help set-off our increased expenses, but in a unique way. Work camping seemed the way to help us and I hoped for a short duration, as traveling with freedom was what we REALLY wanted.
What is work camping and can you do this too?
Absolutely, yes, and still travel to many desired places!
But first, let me share with you the advantages and disadvantages of work camping, give you some parting thoughts and why we workcamp:
Earn extra money.
Use that extra money to travel to many amazing places.
A safe place to stay for a duration, usually 5-6 months.
Meet new people, even form new friendships!
Did I say visit AMAZING places!
Many job opportunities, sometimes unique, like wine tasting, working on a farm and more!
It is not always about the money, but about the destination.
Sometimes you can find a work camping job that is year round.
Stay in one place for too long of a time, 5-6 months is usually average.
Use up the extra money you earn as a workcamper and have nothing to show for it after you leave.
The work camping job was not what was advertised.
If working at a campground in the office, you will deal with the “entitled” crowds sometimes. No bueno!
Having to find a work camping job when you are new.
You need the money for an unexpected expense, or need it for daily life.
It is only seasonal.
Abandoned mine, Montana.
At first it was about the money, as we had unexpected expenses come up, like vehicle repairs. We were fortunate to get a job right away in Durango, Colorado, even though we were newbies. Sometimes campgrounds are desperate for workers and they would be willing to train you. One thing I have noticed is that some work campers work maybe 3 or 4 months and then leave. They get tired of staying in the same place and just leave. It is your home on wheels and you can LEAVE any time. So that is one way to get hired - to replace the previous work campers that left, usually mid-season.
It has REALLY (you noticed I like the word REALLY?), helped us financially to afford to fulltime rv. Before you ask, “Why did you go fulltime rving when you could not afford it?” Because we acted like tourists, going to several places in 1 year, and it cost quite a bit. Plus the repairs, which was not expected but did happen. Check out this LINK, “Should You Work Camp and Why?”
Lake Mary Trail, Utah.
Work camping should NEVER be an income to ONLY rely on. You NEED another income, one that is your main income, as work camping is only a SUPPLEMENT. Check this LINK, “Work Camping: Could You Survive on Camping Wages Alone?” Sometimes people do not understand this as they see what others are doing on social media and think they can do it too, but in reality they cannot. Not everyone can do this. Social media only shows the happy side, not the real side, such as dumping your tanks and not knowing what you are doing, your awning breaks, your engine just stops, a slide will not “slide” into place, you pull out your credit card for the 20th time, and you question why you started to fulltime RV in the first place.
We chose to work camp to SUPPLEMENT our current retirement income. It has helped us so much! Work camping is not the easiest job to do, maybe not as desirous when dealing with rude people, kids wreaking havoc in a recreation room, someone putting shampoo in the jacuzzi. But is has afforded us to go to Yellowstone several times (senior pass), many scenic drives we could not see from our home state, different states to visit, and meet new people to work with from different states.
Our set up near the Badlands, South Dakota.
It is my hope that work camping will be for a temporary time as we still have the DESIRE to seek and discover new things in different states, on OUR own time and where we want to go.
Do you desire to live in a RV fulltime, but not sure if you can afford it? I have a FREE budget sheet just for you, to help you navigate your new budget for fulltime rving! It is different than living in a house, but with a budget, it can help you if the fulltime rv lifestyle is for YOU! Just fill out the brief questions and it will be on your way! Thank you!