Living a Life Well Worth Living
Seeing life in a beautiful sunset as we boondock for the night.
Something I wanted to do, something I anticipated for a long time, something wonderful was going to happen. I dreamed of this moment, this epic moment that was really and truly going to happen. I hardly believed it was finally time. Life.
We all have dreams to aspire, dreams that bring us hope and meaning to our lives, something we can bring life to. It may feel like a sense of purpose, something we strive to do, whether it is for ourselves or others.
This could look like a project you may be working on, putting in hours at your job, sweat and tears, possibly even frustration as you are striving to bring this project to life. This might mean promotion, more money, a new title, people can look up to you as this life you have poured into your job is about to come to fruition. Life.
Or it could be a retirement goal, with well thought out plans, excitement growing in your veins as these plans are almost here. You can taste the new life that you are about to step into, eager with outstretched arms, anticipating the life that is almost here. Life.
But what happens when life does happen?
Living life with a broken down Ford Bronco on top of a mountain.
What happens if that project is a flop, no promotion or raise and people look at you with downcast eyes?
What happens if those retirement plans get dashed early as something emerges, like an illness or an early layoff changes those plans?
Would you still call this life?
Well, yes. But I would call it a detour. Sometimes God allows a detour in our lives at a moment that we would least expect it. It can create hardship, devastation, and us questioning why God allowed this moment to come into our lives. We might even blame Him for this detour.
Witnessing life in a beautiful, yellow sunflower on a warm, summer day.
But is it truly God’s fault?
Yes, He allowed it, but He did not cause it. You did not cause it either, friend. We live in a world full of detours and what ifs. We all want to live incredible, problem-free lives (yes, me too), but it is not the way life works. Life has a way putting in distortions, making that straight path crooked and yet, it can bring us around when it is time.
And how do we live in that?
We live in that moment, breathe in that moment and exhale in that moment, allowing life to do what it needs to do. We can try again for that promotion, we can try again to make retirement plans and we can try again.
Life is flowing in a river, Yellowstone, Wyoming.
What I had dreamed about was fulltime rving with my husband as he retired and we just became empty nesters. It is not what I expected, full of triumphs and an incredible amount of homesickness, but it has been almost a year and I can tell you this: there is life even through the bad (and we have been through a lot), there is a “try again” button I pushed several times.
You might push the “try again” button and see where God will take you. I can promise you this: it will be an adventure you will never forget!
Here are some great links to check out about life!
A Radiant Life By MelAnn of Grace and Rapture
Living a More Connected Life By Amy Cobb
Pursuing Life By Jessica Weaver
Parenting Advice for a Better Life By Ashley Olivine
Embrace Eternal Life in Jesus Christ By Lisa Granger
1% Living Every Single Day By Dianne Vielhuber