Your Disappointments are God’s Appointments
A potential roadblock in Wyoming.
Wearing shorts and a t-shirt, with a jacket wrapped around me, I stepped out on the pavement and looked ahead, with adventure in my soul. Looking down and across the dirty snow, I realized that we could not go further, my heart was was let down, realizing we would have to turn around and go elsewhere. Why, oh why did I set my heart on this highly recommended hike with a camera ready for action and a mindset of the possibilities I could see? And it was June!
Disheartened, I stepped back in the Bronco and folded my arms across my chest, stewing with disappointment as I knew we were leaving and not coming back. No amazing photos to brag to others about, no photo memories to leave in the recesses of my mind, but maybe a pouting lip, and downcast eyes as we slowly left this place. Disappointment ruled my mind and heart. But did it really have to?
We all have plans, and some of them are exciting, positive and ready to take action. But something happens and those plans are thwarted. We may feel like throwing our hands up. Waving the white flag. I surrender!
Surrendering to God may be one of the hardest things you do. It is not your first choice, the first thing you say in the morning may not be, “I give up! I surrender it all to you God.” Lets be honest here. We have plans for our lives, and those plans may have been well thought out, well done and something you are looking forward to. But something changes and those plans go out the window, out the door and out of your heart. This may leave you with disappointment and a loss of trust.
Today, I want you to have an open mindset and think of this: God may have better for you. Something you cannot even imagine or hope for. But He does. His delays are for our own good. We may not think so, but I have a feeling God knows what He is doing. You may argue, stomp your feet and say, “No.” How many times have you said that dear friend? I think I have dozens of times!
So, let yourself grieve for those wonderful plans you took the time to make. You may have been looking forward to reuniting with a loved one; going on a trip to a new and exciting place; maybe even a date with someone you just met. Your plans were beautiful and perfectly suited for you.
It is a loss and should be treated as such. Allow yourself for a time to grieve. But, friend, please do not stay focused on those plans. Ask God what new plans He has for you.
That is when patience can come into play. It can be difficult to wait, and a little frustrating, but I have faith in you that you can do it. You might be amazed at what good and wonderful plans God has for you, even if you wait for a time. Remember, God does not hurry, but His timing is always on time.
You can do the hard things.
Just try. I want to leave you with one of my favorite verses that has helped me with my “changed” plans:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6