6 Questions to Ask: Are You Ready To Fulltime RV?

The author looking at incredible scenery

Women relaxing by the beach in lounge chairs, showing perfectly pedicured toes with a splotch of sand scattered on their feet, tanned legs as their bodies face the ocean, pretty drinks poised for consumption. A young lady sitting in her van with a thoughtful expression on her face as she looks out of her wide opened doors, an expanse of majestic mountains in the foreground, a coffee mug in her hand as she is ready to take a sip of the hot, steaming joe.

I have seen it splashed all over social media with breathtaking images, life of ease and comfort and how attainable it was no matter if you were retired or not. Even the popular rv’ers on YouTube jumped on the bandwagon to show us with video how idealist this lifestyle is.

But there is another side to this lifestyle, a side that is not discussed much. I want to help you with this amazing lifestyle to come to a reality for you, but I will be honest in what I will reveal as I am currently living it.

Colorado National Monument

I can somewhat agree with social media about the amazing destinations that are out there for our pleasure and the taking. We are truly fortunate to live in a country that values parks and helping them to stay pristine for our viewing pleasures. I have come away from these destinations with a skip in my heart, a thankfulness to have the ability to go out and explore and a peace that nature can give each one of us. But what happens when reality sets in?

This reality I am talking about is, drumroll please! Groceries! Laundry! Gas! And that is not even all! What about if you are boondocking, which is camping without any hookups and sometimes in the middle of nowhere, and you must find a place to get water and dump your waste? Yes, this is reality, and it happens more than once upon a time.

People do not post about this on social media, including YouTube. They only post things that will increase their following and allow them to get paid. That is it. I mean, who wants to hear stories about finding a Walmart or a dump station? It does not sound romantic, does it not?

Beautiful landscape in Nebraska

But I do not want this to be a negative review of camping, painting a picture of darkness for those of us that really want to do this. Yes, you can, but here are some things to think of FIRST before you start investing in this adventure:

  1. How long of a commitment are you willing to put into this new lifestyle? A year or two? Or the rest of your life?

  2. Once you make a commitment, start researching campers, vans, schoolies, and even cars. I have seen people camp in their cars as it is a cheap way to fulltime camp!

  3. Where is your income coming from? Are you still working age or retired? How much cash do you have saved up? This lifestyle will cost you money, and sometimes more than you thought!

  4. Will you keep the home you have now (if you have one), or sell everything to go on the adventure of your life? Having a home base is important to some people to the point they will rent out their house so that when they are done traveling, they can come back home.

  5. Research, research, research. And I do not mean social media but do look online (articles, groups, support) and ask questions to others that have done this type of lifestyle.

  6. Will you stay at RV parks, other fee-based campgrounds or boondocking? This can make a significant impact on your lifestyle and requires much thought and research.

Now, let’s talk about real life things that have a way of sneaking into your life! You will eventually run out of food to eat and will have to visit a grocery or a convenience store. A convenience store may be more expensive, but if there is not a grocery store nearby, this might be the best option. How far are you willing to travel to a store? We have driven up to fifty miles one way (not the best option) and the gas it takes is too much for us! But seriously, how much do you want to drive, especially if you are camping in an isolated spot?

How about gas? Gas is either expensive or not, depending on when you read this story. Visiting amazing destinations will cost you, not only an entrance fee, but gas money. And it will add up, and up, and up. Even going to the store will cost you. Gas is something we cannot put off or go without.

Let’s say you get sick (not wishing this on you) and you need to see a doctor. Where do you go and how much will you pay? Do you have health insurance? Without grimacing at my next question, what about seeing a dentist? I know, I dread it too, and when I do see one, I cross my fingers, hoping for no new dental work. But that dental work costs money, and sometimes more than you realize!

This is just a brief list of things to think about before you make a commitment to fulltime RV. Click here I will offer solutions or helpful tips to not only get you on the road, but to thrive in the great outdoors!


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