Do’s and Don’ts of Fulltime Rving With Your Spouse

Couple mad at each other on the beach

This may be an odd way to start a story, using a serious, low voice: “do’s and don’ts of fulltime rving with your spouse.” Living with your spouse in a house is quite different than a RV. You have size issues (itsy bitsy square footage in a RV), decisions to make, like how to properly put the toilet paper on the tp holder (by the way, the correct way is forward, not backward as my husband says), and smelly feet (oh gosh yes).

It has been a little over a year since we embarked on this incredible journey, and I have learned a lot, whether I wanted to or not. I would like to give you 5 tips on the do’s and don’ts of fulltime rving with your spouse!

Tip #1: Realize you are out on an adventure, and it will not be perfect, but it will be perfect for each of you. Instead of getting mad at one another for a decision that was made, accept the decision or learn from it. This is something I personally have struggled with!

Tip #2: You live in a small space, so get used to it! It will not get any bigger unless you find a larger RV to buy and live in. Do what you can with the space given to you. Find a corner or an area in your RV and make it personable, special for you. I think us ladies need a space that says, “This is my happy place,” and it is okay.

Tip #3: You have images of finally being alone together, enjoying drinks on the patio with a fire, batting at each other with eyes full of love and admiration to one another, ready to spill out, “Is this perfect or what?” Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but pop! This ain’t going to happen (and I know “ain’t” ain’t a word)! You and your spouse will be smack dab into each other, whether the sun is shining or not. Don’t get me wrong, there will be wonderful times but there will also be arguments, glares, or even a cold shoulder. But instead of giving up, learn to love each other again. Plan a special meal, or an adventure outdoors for the two of you. I feel this is important to your relationship and sanity. Find a common ground for you both to explore together. Accept your spouse for who he is. I know this can be difficult, but he accepted you, so now it is your turn. Living together is never easy, but it is doable.

Tip #4: Start a new hobby. Either start a hobby by yourself or start one with your spouse. Find out your likes and dislikes and go from there. For example, I like to hike and my husband likes to ride his bicycle. I am not a fan of bicycle riding, but since we got electrical bikes, it has been helpful. Plus, it makes him happy and I like to see him happy. He sometimes likes to go on hikes with me, so I find an easy hike that will not take to long for us to go on. We both are willing to enjoy each others “hobbies” and are happy to join together with these. But sometimes I like to do other things, like writing where he will not. He likes to fix things, and I certainly cannot do that! Find something you two can enjoy together and even something alone.

Tip #5: Accept each other. This can be hard as some of us are fiercely independent and want things done our way. When it comes time for a couple, it is a little give and take. I know it is hard, as I have been there and sometimes go through not accepting my husband. But, if you want peace and enjoy this beautiful journey of fulltime rving with your spouse, accept your spouse. Bite your tongue when you want to say something smart and hurtful. Think to yourself, is it worth it? If I win this argument, will it be the best choice, or is there something better? Honestly, no one wins in an argument or fight, so accept one another, smelly feet, bad breath and all.

I hope these tips help you to not only love and accept your spouse, but also to thrive as you travel, enjoy the journey and feel thankful you have the opportunity to do this with your spouse.

What is one tip you can start on today?


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