What To Do When You Are Stuck In The RV

I have fears, I will admit. Some are normal fears, perhaps having vehicle issues where a trip to a mechanic (or a mobile mechanic to you is necessary), or getting lost as we are looking for a new place to visit, or will we enough money to pay our bills this month? Totally normal, right? But what about when you do not feel good, or the weather is bad or that mechanic issue leaves you a little longer at the campground than you expected?

I suffer from dizziness from time-to-time, and it is hard to do ANYTHING when that dizziness strikes and it is into the bed I go! But even in a bed I could do something, something that could bring me joy instead of sorrow or the attitude of feeling sorry for myself.

Here are some tips to help you when those times happen, and hopefully not too often:

  • Watch a feel-good program to help booster your spirits. I am a Hallmark movie junkie, and these movies help me to forget when I am not feeling well.

  • Do an art project. If you are able to, find some paper, pencils, paintbrushes, chalk and paint and create a masterpiece. I believe when you are not feeling well that you can be “extra” creative!

  • Organize. This might sound loathsome or tedious, but sometimes moving things around, especially outside of your cabinets can create a pleasant atmosphere in your RV

  • Take a nap. Yep, get some of those ZZZZZ’s that you have been missing out on!

  • If the weather and yourself are good, take a walk or a bicycle ride. There is nothing like enjoying the great outdoors with plenty of sunshine to breathe into your soul!

  • Find a YouTube video that instructs yoga. Just something that stretches your body and gets your mind off of unpleasant things.

  • Bake or cook something new! Surprise your partner and/or kids with a new delicious dish that will keep them asking for more!

These are a handful of suggestions that I hope encourages you when you get stuck in your rv longer than you anticipated. I know it is not fun, especially if you have to cancel reservations or have to stay at a campground longer. Life happens and the unexpected will happen. And it will, but take heart dear friends, that it is not forever and you will be seeking yet more amazing destinations!

Let us know what tips you will try first!


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