How to Stretch Your…
Stretching requires work and dedication, but the end result will be fabulous as long as you are consistent!
How to stretch your…body…budget…mind, and you fill in the blank here. There are times in life we have to stretch something, to feel a little pain during the stretching, and maybe, just maybe, have a good result from the stretching. For our stretching exercise we will use examples of body, budget and mind, but feel free to put in your own ideas here.
Take a deep breath, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. I want you to picture yourself stretching something that is personal to you. Something only you know that would be a challenge, maybe even slightly cringe-worth. Think of something you want to stretch right now.
Oh how I like to sit or cuddle on a favorite couch or comfy bed and just relax, not thinking about that painful stretching. But when I rise, I feel so “closed,” like I have to reach one arm, then another one, then move the legs with each step I take, trying to “open” my body from the “closed” position. As I have gotten older, I realize that I need to stretch more often, and how GOOD that feels. So, I put in a favorite yoga dvd or find someone on YouTube that is teaching yoga. There are plenty of them! Lets stretch together and often as this is a way to bring some joy to your body, energy and good health.
Never give up when you stretch, even when it gets hard! You can do it!
Going a step further, what else can you stretch? What can you do to stretch it further, to make it a goal to stretch it as far as you can? How about stretching your budget.? That is a tough one! Could you put a little more money on that debt you owe, even if you have to sacrifice going out to eat or out for the weekend in a cabin getaway? The more you can stretch your dollars and put them to good use, the more better you will feel, especially the freedom of not having any debt. Maybe even open a savings account and put money away for a rainy day, even a day in the desert.
I have one more stretching exercise left for you to do. Lets think with our minds for a moment. What are you thinking? My husband thinks all the time about how to be more economical or how to fix things around our RV, or the vehicles. I get exhausted thinking about how much he stretches his mind! Ok, lets get back to stretching our minds. What is it you can do right now with your mind? It could be talking to a loved one you have not spoken to for a long time. Or a plan in the future to invest in something, something you might not feel is attainable now, but in the future it could be. Even to learn something new, something you have not learned before (and you are never too old to learn!), but you can stretch your mind to learn it. Maybe even feel better acquiring that new skill!
Stretching is sometimes difficult, not something we have an urgency to do, but is can be useful, valuable to you. But, then again, stretching could be something comforting, something that we crave and need to do in order to achieve a worthy goal.
What is something you can stretch today?