How To Write An Artist Bio For Art Competitions

Old building destroyed in black and white

How many of you have a resume? I assume the majority of you that are working today. You might be saying to yourself, what does this have to do with photography? If you want to become an artist, or even a serious artist, having an artist bio is what galleries look for.

Let's say that you enjoy taking pictures and want to show others, maybe even make some money. Just like when looking for a job you want to show potential employers what experience you have. The art world is the same way.  The following information that I will be discussing is from a website, LightSpaceTimeArt.  Go and check them out as they have great articles and art competitions to enter (both free and not free).

An artist bio is information about yourself, like introducing yourself to a potential employer. It is told in a 3rd party format, using the words, "he" or "she."  Here are some suggestions:

  • Where do you live or where do you create your art?

  • Where were you born and where have you lived?

  • What were your artistic influences and/or your artistic inspirations?

  • Do you have any art training or art education? If not, describe how you are self taught (why, where and how?).

  • What mediums, techniques or genres to you use in your art?

  • What are your art career goals and aspirations?

So, think of the art you are doing and how you can do an artist bio. Even if you don't do competitions, it is still good to have, maybe for potential jobs in the future.

Here is a link with more of a description of an artist bio and statement. This is one of the best websites I googled, chalked full of information about art, newsletters concerning art and competitions.

Even a photographer is an artist. Don't ever discount yourself from that. We may not paint, form a sculpture, but photography is still art and it takes work and dedication to get to the finished product. It takes time to plan for a picture, go on location, take several shots, edit or delete some of them (I have deleted MANY pictures!) and be satisfied when the picture is complete. Maybe even tweak it again later (been THERE and DONE that!).

The picture featured in this blog won (1st place) in an artist contest, locally.  It was purchased to be on permanent display at a local library. The funny thing about this picture was that it was not planned.  My husband and I were coming back from taking photos out of town and we were definitely ready to come home! I saw this structure on the side of the road and decided to pull over, despite our tiredness. With the clouds out, it really added a dramatic element, besides changing the color to black and white. And, yes, I had an artist bio for the show it was in. 

Share with us your artist bio or where you can find more information other than what I listed!


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