How to Explore With Confidence!

Exploring a scenic drive

Exploring Chief Joseph Scenic Byway, Wyoming!

I will admit, I love to explore. To explore the unusual, something that is unique and yet has a quiet beauty to itself. But some will say, exploring is just exploring, like looking around new areas, different destinations, maybe even the same stuff. There is an important reason why I am saying this. Recently, a group I belong to posed this question: When you are out exploring, how do you protect yourself? A very thought provoking question, which received a LOT of answers! So now, I would like to ask my readers, how do you protect yourself as you are exploring the vastness and beauty of our world?

It doesn't matter if you are male or female, we all need to be mindful of where we go.

For instance, do you plan your explorations?  It could be something simple as a walk, a drive, or even going to the mall.  Or it could be more complicated, like going on a challenging hike, backpacking, scaling rocks, flying in a squirrel suit. Made you look!

Exploring an old bridge in Wyoming!

When I get ready to hike, I plan where I am going. Now, there is nothing wrong with being spontaneous. But, it is good to plan and let others know where you are going in case something happens. Is it in an area where you can get a cell signal? Are there anything dangerous there, like wild animals or some type of criminal activity?  Planning your exploration will be the key to a great adventure. Some people in this group mentioned they bring something to protect themselves. This is an individual choice only you can make, and I will not be discussing it here. However, think about how you will protect yourself.  One important way is to be aware of your surroundings.  When you get to your destination, take a look around. Take a buddy with you. Safety in numbers!

Having a cell phone with you I believe is so vitally important. Even if you don't get a signal, you should be able to dial 911 for an emergency. When you walk, hike or whatever activity, do you stare at your phone a lot?  I have seen so many people staring at their phones as if their social media lives are the upmost of importance. Nope! Again, pay attention to your surroundings. 

Use your cell phone to take photos to wow your friends on social media, instead of reading the notifications! This will be much more enjoyable!

We all enjoy reading notifications, Facebook, Snap Chat, IG, talking on FaceTime, but put the social distractions away and look around.  You may see something really beautiful and you don't want to miss it! I like to look at my cell phone too, but as a hiker, I don't want to endanger myself, trip over some rocks and fall down a mountain. Yikes!

Another way to explore with confidence is to go where there are a lot of people. 

desert hiking in Arizona

Desert hiking is what I like to do best in Arizona!

When I solo hike, I will go where there are a lot of people. I usually do not like crowds or someone's different taste in music as it is blaring on our hike, but I feel safer when there are people around. It is good to have a buddy, as I mentioned earlier. 

Please feel free to make comments about what kind of exploring you do.  I would love to learn what you like to do outdoors and how you explore with confidence!


Hiking the Baldwin Trail, Sedona, Arizona


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