Is Time Running Out?

What is time running out on you? Perhaps it is a big project at work and your time is running out to get it completed. Or maybe it is almost time for your youngest child to graduate from high school and you are running out of time to spend with him or her. Or maybe you are trying to complete an assignment from school as you decided you wanted a career change and realize it takes a little longer to get assignments done with other demands in your life, such as children, a job, a spouse and activities you desire to do.

It is like there is always time to do something, always time, but somehow that time runs out faster than you think. All of a sudden you have zero time and now what?

Take a deep breath, mother, wife, daughter, sister. Now exhale. Maybe do that a few more times. You have the time to do this. You have all the time in the world.

You see, we tend to make demands on our own time, demands that may not be realistic. These demands give us so much stress that it is a wonder if we are not pulling our hair out! But there is a better way, a way to not have time run out, but do embrace the time given to you. And it also means making choices that are smart for you, so as not to stress you out too much.

Here are some fabulous tips to help you get some more time into your life:

#1: Plan how you will finish that project and imagine yourself actually finishing it. Plan the days and what you will accomplish on those days, even if it means finding someone to help you. You got this!

#2: I know what it is like to see your children graduate from high school and move forward after that. It is difficult and very emotional when it is the youngest one’s turn. But for now, spend time with that soon-to-be graduate. Try not to focus on the inevitable (graduation), but on time with him/her right now. What can you do with your child/children today?

#3: Congrats mom for making a choice to reinvent yourself with a new career or a step up from your current position at work! Let your family know that you need to spend time studying and learning the material, even if it takes you longer than your classmates. It is OKAY! Maybe even enlist a family member or a friend to help you adjust to this and any assignments that challenge you.

Yes, there will always be deadlines, children grow up and we make changes in our own personal lives. However, if we use the time allowed to us during those durations when it feels like time is running out, make the best out of the time allotted to us (and sometimes it is enough), than time is not running out, but is there for you to use it today!

What can you do to keep time from running out?


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