How Can You Have Peace Today?
Does this help you achieve peace?
How can you have peace today? That is a question that can be answered in many ways, depending on your situation and who you are. Peace is not easily attained when you listen to the news, listen to others and their bad reports of unpeaceful things in life happening right now.
It can be downright scary, wondering how long we can live in this chaotic world, and especially our children. How can our children experience peace, crave peace and embrace it instead of looking at their phones for the latest update in news or a disagreement on social media?
This is enough for us to throw up our hands and ask God when will this turmoil be over?
But there is a way to have peace, and it will require you to turn off the television and put your phone away. Take a deep breath and think of the word, peace. Visualize what could happen if peace was in your life right now. It could be your loved ones gathered for a celebration and no one is arguing over how to set the table or competing with whose kids are the best in the activities they participate in. It could be a quiet night with your spouse, chilling to relaxing music, encircled arms with each other, lying on a couch after a long day at work or dealing with the children, not thinking of anything but the one you are in love with.
When people worry, they are not thinking of peace. When people think of peace, there is no room for worry.
What I would like to do is share some verses from the Bible to help you to find the peace you are seeking. One of my favorite books in the Bible is Philippians. Paul was in jail when he wrote this inspiring book. One of the worst places to write about peace, but yet, he was able to find it even in jail. Do not know who Paul is? Check out the book of Acts as you will be introduced to this fascinating man that God sent out as a messenger.
One of the most favorite verses on peace is from the book of Philippians:
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
When you read this verse, Paul is trying to tell you not to worry. Even Jesus talked about it and how you can not add anything in your life to it. We are to pray for everything, not a limited amount of things. We serve not a limited God, but a God of possibilities.
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7
This is an excellent verse to help you with worry and bring peace. God wants us to give Him our worries, our concerns, anything that is important to you. God does not want us to worry. Worry causes many problems in our lives: health, mental, emotional and physical problems into our bodies. Is this something you want to experience?
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Jesus does not sugar-coat anything, does he? He tells it like it is: we will have trials and sorrows. But remember what he went through! He understands and cares for us.
These are just a few verses about peace. I want to challenge you to search for peace in the Bible or google it. Write it down on index cards. Do not let the enemy put things in your head that should not be there. Maybe even take a social media break and go somewhere that is peaceful. That may be a lake, a beach, a forest, the mountains, wherever that may be, sit and reflect on what a good God we serve. How He left us His Word filled with peaceful verses to help us in our everyday lives.
And this could be a wonderful life, if Jesus is your Lord and Savior. Jesus wants to be a part of your life. Will you let Him in? Check out the book of John as you learn about Jesus and the great love He has for you. Jesus would love for you to welcome Him in. He can not guarantee a life without worries, but He can guarantee a life worth living, with peace, not chaos.
How can you share with others the peace Jesus can bring?