Starting Something New Can Be…
Contemplating on the “newness” of this RV lifestyle.
I like to try new things, like traveling to a new state, learning more about the places we can visit and the photos I could capture, but what I do not like trying is new food. Blah! I am a super picky eater (with food allergies), and I grew up not liking many foods, unlike my siblings.
What is something you have started new?
I started something recently: fulltime rving with my bestie, my husband, no more kids as we are empty nesters. I was excited to start this journey with my husband, John, as he just retired from a very busy career of truck driving, and the many hours involved in that field.
It was just him and I. Just me and him.
No more kids, pets, work, school activities, homework, but a relaxing and easy lifestyle was here. I pictured us enjoying the weather in many states, no more burning to death in Arizona summers, but to see many sights that I have only seen on the internet. Relaxing in our outdoor chairs, by a propane fire pit (we have one), listening to music we enjoy (no more kids’ music), smiling and laughing with each other, wondering if any others would envy our new lifestyle.
Well, it was not quite like that.
Starting something new can lead us onto an uncertain road that can be unnerving, unnatural.
Starting something new, like fulltime rving, has been difficult, stressful, and even depressing at times. I would get anxious going to these new places, wondering what we would encounter, the bad weather, how much I missed the kids and their messy rooms, and my home state of Arizona, even with its burning summers.
I was struggling with letting go and moving forward, moving forward to something unknown, but known to God. I was hanging onto the past, thinking, I could go back there, but I could not.
I had to let go.
And trust God into unknown territory, and it was scary.
I am slowly learning to trust God through this new lifestyle, maybe with a few hiccups, as in we almost gave up on this RV lifestyle and went back home. Have you ever tried getting along with your spouse in a tiny living space?
God might plant you somewhere that you thought you were ready for, but then, regret sets in. Should I be here, you ask yourself? Disappointment clings onto your soul, and you may question God why, why did He put you in this place at this very moment?
This is where God may whisper to you, “Trust me.” Sometimes we let our feelings get in the way of something God wants to do through you. It is something wonderful, something that God knew you needed to be, but what about the trust issue?
Ah yes, trust. God led many of his people to places that could have been questionable, fearful, but God knew how to use his people for his glory and purpose. It can be your purpose too. God has promised he would never leave us or forsake us. That is a comforting thought.
God had us in mind when he created such stunning places, such as this: Snowy Pass, Wyoming
God will not leave you, dear friend. He did not leave his people in the “Hall of Fame” chapter in Hebrews. I would like to encourage you to open your Bible to chapter 11 of the book of Hebrews and read the wonderful accounts of God’s people and what He did through them. There was nothing special about these people, as a matter of fact, disobedience, rebellion, anger, sadness and even adultery was a part of these people’s livelihoods. But for God. He saw something in them that they could not, and beautifully brought them to the place God needed them at the right moment, the right time.
As God will or has done for you.
So, dear friend, if you are at a precipice moment, pondering if you should move forward or take a step back, let God lead you, plant you where you need to go. Yes, it is scary, but it is also an adventure that God has planned for you all your life.
Will you step forward and trust God?