How To Start A Life Worth Living!

We all have our struggles, our “hang-ups” where we may have to work harder than others, strive harder, think harder. I remember when I was in high school and how I would study for tests! The only way I could get a good grade was to take notes, create outlines (seriously I did) and highlight the words in the textbook (I was allowed to do that). In the end it would pay off as I did earn a good grade, but oh, so much studying, so much work!

Is this what life is about: working hard for that good grade, working hard to provide for our families, working hard at practically everything in life? How is a girl supposed to start a life worth living, no matter the age and the thought of starting a life worth living seems so complex?

Well, lets start with baby steps. What I would like you to do is gather paper and a pen, or even a computer, a tablet or your phone. Think of good qualities about yourself, and only good ones, negative thoughts are not welcomed here. Qualities such as your kindness, generosity, love and care for others, even for yourself. Maybe your friendliness toward others, helpful, smart, peacemaker. These are just some suggestions. Maybe you are a mom, a caregiver, a working woman - describe yourself with positive comments.

For my list, this is who I am: gentle, quiet, shy, mother, detailed-orientated, care for others, creative.

Now, how about hobbies? If you do not have a hobby or do not have time for a hobby, think of something you always wanted to do, something that brings you joy and happiness, something fun. A hobby such as drawing, graphic design, interior decorating, crossword puzzles, games, learning a new language, whatever your hobby is or want to be, list that.

My hobbies are: photography, designing graphics on Canva (fun!), hiking, off-roading and discovering new places as me and my hubby travel in our RV!

Now lets put some of your answers together! Pretend you are piecing together a large puzzle of your life, only it will not be a puzzle in the end., but something beautiful, something that is true of yourself.

For example, I am a creative, detailed-orientated person, a little shy and happy to meet new people, and as a mother, I love my kids and so grateful to be blessed with 3 of them.

What about you? What positive things can you put together? Mine is a short string, but please, feel free to make yours especially long. I would love for you to comment and let me know who you are!

But wait, there is more! One important piece of this large puzzle that will hold it all together and teach us how to live a life worth living!

Let me ask you a question: are you a woman of faith?

If you are, this is where we can put the final pieces together. If not, may I invite you to meet Jesus in the Bible as a real person, someone that would love to meet you as the pages in the Bible come to life? He willingly died for you to have a personal relationship with him. May I invite you read the Book of John, to help you understand who Jesus is? We can base our good qualities on a relationship with Jesus. This is it how it looks like for me:

I am a daughter of the Most High God, a precious woman in His sight, He willingly died for my sins so I did not have to suffer the consequences of my sins. I am unique as He created me to be a creative woman, with special attention to detail, a mom of 3 blessings, helpful to others, friendly but a little shy, I especially love to capture amazing landscape in the lens of my camera and spending time with my husband as we learn to navigate the life of living in our RV and traveling.

Now it is your turn: Go ahead, and edit your previous puzzle to include God and what He has done for you. This is a life worth living! It does not matter your age, as I am in the middle age department (yikes!), and sometimes I need a refreshment of how I can start a life worth living, especially after going through challenges in my own life.

You, dear friend, are worth it. You can do this! You can start a life worth living today! Even if you do not feel like it, not in the mood for it, or feel like you mess up, you can go back to your list and remind yourself that you can start again. Start a beautiful, adventurous, absolutely amazing life worth living!

I would love to hear from you!

Looking for more inspiring stories? Check out these stories:

Is Life Hard? Then Start Afresh in Jesus by Lisa Granger

Getting Hung Up from Starting Something by Dianne Vielhuber

How to Start Making Purchases Directly From the Producer by Jessica Haberman 

Starting Over as an Evacuee by Ashley Olivine


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