Another Hot Day…For Photos!

another hot day...for photos!

What do you do on a hot day?  Sit by the pool?  Drink margaritas?  Stay inside where it is cool?  Definitely good ideas, but for us, well, we go outside.  And take photos.  Not just a few.  But a lot.  Just like we eat ice cream in the winter.  It just tastes good in the winter, plus you are not quickly eating it, getting a brain freeze headache, as it is melting in the summer.

I ask my husband, or really tell him, let's go and take photos.  Where I live, it is really, really hot out.  You can probably cook eggs or even cookies on the sidewalk.  No joke!  So, my hubby and I take off to go snapping with my camera.  As we are heading out with my sometimes working a/c in my vehicle, we are admiring the clouds we so rarely see in our city.  Luckily, it was a cloud cover, so it made the day a little less hot for us.

I like to take photos of abandoned houses or commercial buildings.  Also, nature as well.  Yes, I am a nature lover.  There were quite a bit of yellow butterflies committing kamikaze on my windshield. It was really disgusting and I even enlisted my daughter to help me to clean it another day. Here are some quick tips for those "hot" photos:

  • When your camera is not in use, keep it out of the sun!

  • When you are done taking photos, put the camera back in the camera bag. I used to be lazy and not do this - I ended up getting it fixed at a camera shop eventually.

  • If you are taking beach photos, keep your camera off the sand. Look at the point above for being lazy and leaving it out in the sun.

  • Go early in the morning or right before dusk in the evenings.

  • Most importantly, bring plenty of water!

Whenever I approach an abandoned place, they have signs that say no trespassing.  I do look around and sneak into the building, if it is not falling apart and take photos of the interior, besides the exterior.  There is always something interesting inside the shell of the building.  Sometimes it is creepy and in this one place, I literally ran away from a structure cause I felt like I was being watched and there was so much negative energy around the place.  For real!  Even my hubby, who never gets creeped out, felt a little on edge at the creepy place we visited.  Anyway, back to the heat.

Literally, I think I can get a sunburn or a suntan just for standing to take photos.  Since we had the clouds, that did help.  But eventually the sky cleared up.  In the photo on this blog, is an abandoned scale house.  It used to weigh small trucks sometime in the past.  Just sitting there all by its lonesome, waiting for someone to take care of it, or for me to take pictures of it to display.  Even though it was very hot, we sweated, waited impatiently for the a/c to kick back on in my vehicle, I still enjoy taking photos no matter the weather cause, well, it is fun and basically it is good to get out of the house, especially when it is hot outside.


Who Me? Take Photos?


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