Something Old, Something New…
Something old, something new…something adventurous, something new. Hmmm….that does not sound quite right, but it is clever, is it not?
Find out how you can let go of the “old” and embrace the “new” in today’s story!
What Does Luck Have To Do With It?
Sunday drives was one of the best things I remember as a little girl. Piling in a car, with eager faces and thoughts of wondering what we would see that day would fill my heart. Perhaps a manicured lawn where images of myself spinning on the grass till I fell would dance in my head. “They are so lucky.”
Find out how you can be "lucky" when helping others!
Living a Life Well Worth Living
Something I wanted to do, something I anticipated for a long time, something wonderful was going to happen. I dreamed of this moment, this epic moment that was really and truly going to happen. I hardly believed it was finally time. Life. Find out how to be encouraged with your life!
How Fourteen Changed My Life!
I was fourteen. Fourteen years of age and felt older than my years. I went through a turbulent time with prior friends, and now had the freedom to express myself, through art, the inner creator in me seeking to define myself on the outside. Find out how life changed for me because of a simple drawing at the age of fourteen!