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Welcome to our little slice of traveling adventure heaven! Whether it is camping, hiking, off-roading or paddleboarding, we got you covered with plenty of real life experiences and stories to share! We are SO glad you are here! Take a look around and get some awesome advice from places we have visited, lots of photos taken by myself, plus some inspirational stories to motivate you in your faith. Thanks for stopping by!

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Latest on the Blog:

Depressed With Fulltime RVing and How I Overcame It!

I remember the long road ahead. Miles it seemed as I peered out the window, trying to muster a smile, but could not. What is wrong with me I would ask myself over and over. I wiped a tear trying to steal itself down my cheek, hoping my husband would not see the state my heart was in. All I saw was desolation, emptiness, loneliness and so far away from home. Yet, we were starting an amazing adventure only a few would dare to try, and here I was depressed and scared, not knowing why I was reacting this way. But I knew I could not live like this.

A Bumper Like No Other

I have trust issues. I mean, SERIOUS trust issues. How about you? How is your level of trust today? I recently had some work done on my Ford Bronco and I had trust issues with the man who worked on it.

Why? Did he give me reason to doubt him?


It was all me. Just me. It is something I need to work on.

Join me for this fun and yet eye-opening story about trust. How is your trust today?

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